SPC "Armastek" LTD ▶︎ Fiber ▶︎ Macrofiber polypropylene structural
Macrofiber polypropylene structural

Scientific and Research “Armastek”, Ltd offers structural polypropylene synthetic fiber, for the production of disperse reinforced concrete structures, in which the following technical advantages can be used more effectively as compared with standard concrete and reinforced concrete:
- increased crack resistance, axial tensile strength and bend tension strength, impact strength, fracture toughness, wear resistance, water resistance, frost resistance;
- reduced shrinkage and creep;
- possibility of using technologically more effective structural solutions than in case of traditional bar reinforcement, e.g. thin-walled structures, structures without distribution, indirect or transverse bar reinforcement;
- lower labor costs associated with reinforcement works;
- higher degree of mechanization and automation of structural engineering, for example in prefabricated thin-walled shells, folds, ribbed slabs and floor slabs, prefabricated columns, beams, monolithic bottoms and walls of tank constructions, tunnel linings, road and airfield coverings, monolithic floor slabs of industrial and public buildings;
- the possibility of using new, more productive methods of molding reinforced structures, such as shotcreting, bending of freshly molded sheet products, roller pressing, etc
The use of dispersion-reinforced concrete and sprayed concrete is becoming more widespread in the practice of construction of tunnels, massive structures, road pavement, flooring in commercial and storage facilities, as well as in the manufacture of standard building structures (columns, foundations, slabs, etc.).
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