SPC "Armastek" LTD ▶︎ Composite reinforcement ▶︎ Bent elements
Bent elements

Bent elements for strip foundations, foundation structures, floor slabs, pales, poles and other structures requiring increased strength, load distribution or the reduction of the overall weight of the product.
Application of bent elements
Welding of fiberglass reinforcement is not possible due to the dielectric properties of the material, and therefore for the reinforcement of angles straight roads should be joined or prepared bent elements should be used. The use of bent elements allows for better distribution of tensile and bending loads, making the carcass integral, and consequently more durable. This has a positive effect on the strength of the product and structure.
The bending of the composite reinforcement bars in the conditions is impossible at the construction site – the rod will either break under load or return to its original state. The extensive capabilities of the technological process for the production of materials of different shapes determine a wide range of composite materials that Armastek Company can produce. We can produce items for you according to your geometric dimensions.
Why people choose Armastek

Patented technology

Dense spiraling with angle more than 70 degrees which provides better adhesion with concrete.

More than 10 years on the market
Our managers will help to make the right choice and answer your questions